What Should You Know When You Supply/Borrow on JustLend

JUST Foundation
2 min readMay 5, 2021
  1. What is jToken?

You will get jToken when you supply assets on Justlend, jToken represents your supply on JustLend, if you transfer or sell your jToken, you will lose your supply.

2. Why do my approvals keep getting rejected?

Most of the time this issue will happen when you don’t have bandwidth. Everyday, each account receives a 5000 complimentary bandwidth.

If it’s your first time using a TRON wallet and do not have TRX in your account, please activate your wallet by depositing any number of TRX.

3. Why does TRON cost energy (transaction fee) even though the transaction fails?

Each transaction consumes your bandwidth and Energy no matter the transaction’s success or failure. When there is insufficient Energy, bandwidth, or balance in your wallet address, the contract trigger may fail. (If you don’t have energy, it will deduct TRX instead.)

Therefore you should keep enough energy and bandwidth in your account to ensure the progress of transactions.

4. What are energy and bandwidth?


Energy is a type of server resource consumed when running smart contracts. The creation and triggering of smart contracts consume Energy.


Bandwidths will be consumed with any transaction, regular transactions consume only bandwidth (mostly functions such as transfer, freeze, and unfreeze).

Every account receives a daily 5000 complimentary bandwidth.

5. How much energy do I need to supply/borrow on JustLend?

Energy is deducted based on the instructions executed by the smart contract. Different instructions are deducted differently. The more complex the contract, the more energy will be consumed.

Typically, each transaction will consume about 30K-300K of energy (0–40 TRX), which is also related to the fee limit set by the contract creator. If the fee limit is too high, the transaction is likely to consume more energy.

6. How do I get energy and bandwidth?

You can connect your wallet to https://tronscan.org/#/wallet, and freeze TRX to get energy & bandwidth for free.

Login to https://tronlending.org/, spend 8 TRX to rent 100K energy a day.

Now get started at https://justlend.org!

