Whitelisted JustSwap Projects Daily Bulletin (Oct 8, 2020)

JUST Foundation
8 min readOct 9, 2020

Dear JustSwap users,

In the 24 hours since its launch at 23:00 August 18, 2020(SGT), JustSwap has reported a trading volume of over $10 million, outperforming its counterparts and ranking it among the top 6 DEX by trading volume. JustSwap is at its core a decentralized and non-approval-based exchange for token listing, where anyone can list tokens and provide liquidity.

As a result, the team has recently detected a crop of fake tokens on the platform. We extend sincere apologies to our community for inconveniences caused.

The JustSwap team will implement all necessary measures to crack down on fake tokens and to safeguard users’ assets. All projects will undergo a strict reviewing process to ensure project legitimacy before listing.

Additionally, a report channel has been established (report@JustSwap.org) and tokens discovered to be fake will be immediately delisted.

Now, we have updated the whitelist and will provide a daily whitelist bulletin with all newly listed projects . The first whitelist was released on August 19th, 2020, and the JustSwap team will publish an updated whitelist every day.

Please note the whitelist does not serve as investment advice or official endorsement for any project; it only shows verified project tokens that have submitted all necessary documentation for listing. Investors are advised to research and carefully consider risks before making investments of any kind.

We are open and welcome to industry and community supervision as to jointly ensure that tokens entering the whitelist meet the following criteria:

1. In the Top 31 for daily trading volume and liquidity by comprehensive indicators.

2. Average daily trading volume and liquidity must be no less than 20,000 USD.

3. Tokens and projects must be proven to be authentic and genuine.

4. Whitelist tokens are ranked by trading volume and liquidity in accordance with comprehensive indicators.

Today’s (10.8) JustSwap project whitelist is as follows:

Token Name: Bitcoin

Token Symbol: BTC

Contract Address: TN3W4H6rK2ce4vX9YnFQHwKENnHjoxb3m9

Token Introduction: Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls Bitcoin and everyone can take part. Through many of its unique properties, Bitcoin allows exciting uses that could not be covered by any previous payment system.

Official Website: https://bitcoin.org/en/


Token Name: Wrapped BTT

Token Symbol: WBTT

Contract Address: TKfjV9RNKJJCqPvBtK8L7Knykh7DNWvnYt

Token Introduction: This is the official BTT wrapping TRC20 contract.

Official Website: www.bittorrent.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BitTorrent

Token Name: Wrapped TRX

Token Symbol: WTRX

Contract Address: TNUC9Qb1rRpS5CbWLmNMxXBjyFoydXjWFR

Token Introduction: This is the official TRX wrapping TRC20 contract

Official Website:just.network



Token Name:SUN

Token Symbol:SUN

Contract Address:TKkeiboTkxXKJpbmVFbv4a8ov5rAfRDMf9

Token Introduction:SUN is a social experiment, which focuses on the DeFi potential of TRON. Designed as the quintessential Bitcoin equivalent on the TRON network, SUN features zero VC investments, zero PE investments, no pre-mining or reserves for the team, and is wholly operated by the community through its open-source smart contracts. We hope to use SUN to promote the vigorous development and possibilities of TRON’s DeFi self-governance community.

Official Website:sun.io


Token Name: JUST

Token Symbol: JST

Contract Address:TCFLL5dx5ZJdKnWuesXxi1VPwjLVmWZZy9

Token Introduction:JST is a part of the USDJ currency system. Holding JST can participate in the community governance of JUST and pay the stabilization fee for CDP borrowing in the JUST system.

Official Website: just.network



Token Name: WINk

Token Symbol:WINk

Contract Address:TLa2f6VPqDgRE67v1736s7bJ8Ray5wYjU7

Token Introduction:Drawing comparisons to the meteoric rise of the modern web, blockchain technology has shown signs of tremendous growth potential and transformative power. Just as the internet needed Web 2.0 to engage users with more social, usable, and interoperable functionality, blockchain technology’s path to mass adoption hinges upon creating a seamless user experience. WINk is positioned to spark Web 3.0 on the TRON network with its revolutionary DApp experiences.

Official Website:https://www.wink.org/?lang=en#/



Token Name: DICE

Token Symbol: DICE

Contract Address : TKttnV3FSY1iEoAwB4N52WK2DxdV94KpSd

Token Introduction: DICE is the platform token for the first Dapp game on the WINk platform. In the WINk mining ecosystem, users can earn DICE through mining, and rely on holding DICE to realize the redistribution of wealth and share the benefits of the platform.

Official Website:https://www.wink.org/?lang=en#/

Token Name: TRONbetLive

Token Symbol: LIVE

Contract Address: TVgAYofpQku5G4zenXnvxhbZxpzzrk8WVK

Token Introduction: By creating whole mining ecosystem, WINk will revolutionize the way that developers adopt the blockchain ecosystem while keeping wealth redistribution at its core. WIN will continue to be the centrepiece of the platform while developers will be able to utilize everything the WINk ecosystem has to offer. By taking behavioural mining to the next level, traditional apps will now have all the resources at their disposal to convert their apps to the TRON blockchain.

Official Website: https://tron.wink.org/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WINkorg

Token Name: USDT

Token Symbol:USDT

Contract Address:TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6t

Token Introduction:USDT is the official stablecoin issued by Tether on the TRON network.

Whitepaper: https://tether.to/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/TetherWhitePaper.pdf


Token Name: USDJ

Token Symbol:USDJ

Contract Address:TMwFHYXLJaRUPeW6421aqXL4ZEzPRFGkGT

Token Introduction:USDJ is a stablecoin of TRON. It’s generated through decentralized smart contracts on the TRON network. Anyone can pledge TRX as collateral to generate USDJ. USDJ enters into free circulation as any other cryptocurrency does once generated. It is pegged to the US dollar through Collateralized Debt Positions (CDPs), and also has autonomous feedback mechanisms.

Official Website:https://www.just.network



Token Name: Blockcola Token

Token Symbol: COLA

Contract Address: TSNWgunSeGUQqBKK4bM31iLw3bn9SBWWTG

Token Introduction: BlockCola is an open Defi protocol for crypto depositing and lending services.

Official Website: https://www.blockcola.com/

Twitter: https://t.me/BlockCola

Token Name: FistToken

Token Symbol: FIST

Contract Address: TL6K6iaEkn8kdnJ79a8Be3S4RFf4pFkGE8

Token Introduction: FIST is the REV community token and also the governance token of REV.

Official Website: http://revtoken.network

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RevtokenN

Token Name: Change.MoonRabbit.finance

Token Symbol: CEB

Contract Address: TFLu6ZctS5G8RFPBsAMZWCe7wZZno7gUQR

Token Introduction: Chang’e (CEB) is a liquid mining project created on Tron. The total amount is 1 million, with 0 value at the time of issuance, 0 team reservations, and open source contracts. The final value of CEB is determined by the market!

Official Website: https://change.moonrabbit.finance/

Twitter: https://t.me/moonrabbit2020

Token Name: JackPool.finance

Token Symbol: JFI

Contract Address: TN7zQd2oCCguSQykZ437tZzLEaGJ7EGyha

Token Introduction: The world’s first liquidity mining project based on JustSwap, YFI on TRON

Official Website: https://jackpool.finance/

Whitepaper: https://jackpool.finance/jfi

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JackPoolFinance

Token Name: YFT

Token Symbol: YFT

Contract Address: TX7zxtWD5JLiW6Hj7unbGg8uVf9wcn7fqd

Token Introduction: Aggregate Banking Platform for Deflationary Models Defi Smart Contracts Investment Assistant.

Official Website: https://yft.digital/

Whitepaper: https://medium.com/@bessiebartoletti/yft-a-deflationary-model-of-the-rational-financial-platform-defi-1db139507319

Telegram: https://t.me/YFTCN

Token Name: RICHWAY

Token Symbol: RICH

Contract Address: TNuhGXdAhjiJyya6BQ3hR9mHQPTBYHhQ1b

Token Introduction: Richway’s existence means as an official token and as a mining machine in the form of energy and bandwidth that generates power for mining SMART tokens.

Official Website: https://richway.finance/

Whitepaper: https://smartway.finance/smartway-whitepaper.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/smartwayfinance

Token Name: MoonRabbit.finance

Token Symbol: MRK

Contract Address: TRqJw3csFiyswCY7tYjVMpfk9jxYaWmPME

Token Introduction: MoonRabbit.finance is a liquid mining project with a total of 12,000 pieces. At the time of issuance, the value is 0, the team is 0 reserved, and the open source contract code is used. In the future, MRK will be governed by the community. The final value will be determined by the market.

Official Website: https://moonrabbit.finance/

Telegram: https://t.me/moonrabbit2020

Token Name: HuobiToken

Token Symbol: HT

Contract Address: TDyvndWuvX5xTBwHPYJi7J3Yq8pq8yh62h

Token Introduction: Huobi Global is a world-leading cryptocurrency financial services group.

Official Website: https://www.huobipro.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HuobiGlobal

Token Name: Pearl.finance

Token Symbol: Pearl

Contract Address: TGbu32VEGpS4kDmjrmn5ZZJgUyHQiaweoq

Token Introduction: Pearl.fiance : First Yield Farm on Tron. In the spirit of YFI: No pre-mine, no founder shares, no VC interest.

Official Website: https://pearl.finance/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TronFi_io

Token Name: SHARK

Token Symbol: SRX

Contract Address: TQSTsAT1pWopxDgvhz3jBo77T8NgCXrzBr

Token Introduction: When creating the SHARK token, we paid close attention to its autonomy and transparency, putting all token holders on an equal footing.

Official Website: https://sharktron.com/

Whitepaper: https://sharktron.com/static/white_papper.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/shark_tron

Token Name: HODL

Token Symbol: HODL

Contract Address: TW8epJzhhPZkCjadUQWWvHFfNi344EkNef

Token Introduction: Hodl is an experimental protocol mashing up some of the most exciting innovations in DeFi and crypto collectibles.

Official Website: https://dontbuyhodl.com/


Token Name: KID

Token Symbol: KID

Contract Address: TBDUswpeVJV6LzhfcDgaDZ4n7tFHkPzaYf

Token Introduction: TRX’s first decentralized NFT liquidity experimental mining protocol, Kid (Little Ghost) sustainable decentralized financial platform, created by the DNFT (Joker) network protocol.

Official Website: https://kid.finance/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DnftNetwork

Token Name: DNFT.Network

Token Symbol: DNFT

Contract Address: TGo1szkLDKujQfxyhtmnt76j1maLqYJ1U5

Token Introduction: The DNFT (Joker) network protocol autonomous community will strive to create a valuable DEFI ecology and NFT ecology for the TRX chain.

Official Website: https://dnft.network/

Whitepaper: https://github.com/dnftnetwork/Joker-White-Paper/blob/master/README.md

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DnftNetwork


Token Symbol: SMART

Contract Address: TQ7ZTbPKgZFTh3WanAx9aZTNDee9eMDREa

Token Introduction: Developer Team makes this innovative program complete with a backup system such as the official website, internal justswap, and internal wallet and exchanger.

Official Website: https://smartway.finance/

Whitepaper: https://smartway.finance/smartway-whitepaper.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/smartwayfinance

Token Name: PeachPool

Token Symbol: PCH

Contract Address: TCH2eTw5GFMo3gB8hSdsKTdiUwwcePDTNi

Token Introduction: PeachPool, the liquidity yield farming pool that’s fun and rewarding to use.

Official Website: https://peachpool.finance/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PeachPoolFin

Token Name: AtomicBombToken

Token Symbol: ATB

Contract Address: TMACBNXcMkGGicfhaDoQvfxJHRToDyUq3b

Token Introduction: Experimental tokens for liberal economic community governance based on blockchain technology.

Official Website: https://atbtoken.io/h5/index.html#/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bomb_token

Token Name: SunStake

Token Symbol: SSK

Contract Address: TW1sqqq7UphAqGNHDXSLXsEainYHJuQeyC

Token Introduction:The SunStake network sets out to becoming a robust and stable synthetic asset issuance and trading protocol. It’s a Tron-based synthetic asset protocol built around the SUN community.

Official Website:https://sunstake.org/



Token Name: Revolution Token

Token Symbol: REV

Contract Address: TSngG7y4RDSVG6QwoWM4MvVWJb3k8VLZJk

Token Introduction: REV is a new social experimental token based on blockchain.

Official Website: http://revtoken.network/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RevtokenN

Token Name: BTY

Token Symbol: BTY

Contract Address: TXeEDk8VzGVUoR1sRRboNWRwgY4AjrY8Mu

Token Introduction: BTY is the only token to govern BTTycoon community

Official Website: http://www.bttycoon.net/

Whitepaper: http://www.bttycoon.net/download/BitTorrent_BTT_White_Paper_v0.8.7_Feb_2019.pdf

Token Name: DACC

Token Symbol: DACC

Contract Address: TU3Do926eSSCvKnmV8bPPaJzsWLTyzMocS

Token Introduction: DACC 2.0 is an upgrade from DACC 1.0. DACC led by more than 100 global head institutions such as Sky, Justin Sun, BlockVC, FBG, etc. was established in 2017. It has been supported by more than 100 global investment institutions and millions of communities around the world, with on-chain DAO as the core, integrating cross-chain atomic transactions, KYC, oracles, etc. At the same time, DACC 2.0 will also implement Token mortgage issuance and derivative issuance in the future And liquidity mining Token model, etc., become DAO+KNC+SNX on the TRON ecosystem.

Official Website: https://www.dacc.co/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DACCblockchai

Token Name: GOLDCoinToken

Token Symbol: GOLD

Contract Address: TQs33VBR68syFx93KQ9iYSg8Xyr68t3A3L

Token Introduction: Application of the defi mining project, community development volunteers aiming to change the status quo of dolls.

Official Website: https://biggoldminer.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/biggoldminer

(Oct 8) JustSwap Whitelist in comparison with yesterday’s after listing new projects.

Token Name: YFT

Token Symbol: YFT

Contract Address: TX7zxtWD5JLiW6Hj7unbGg8uVf9wcn7fqd

Token Name: KID

Token Symbol: KID

Contract Address: TBDUswpeVJV6LzhfcDgaDZ4n7tFHkPzaYf


Token Symbol: SMART

Contract Address: TQ7ZTbPKgZFTh3WanAx9aZTNDee9eMDREa

(Oct 8) JustSwap Whitelist, in comparison with yesterday’s after removing projects.

Token Name: Bridge Token(Reason for Removal: Insufficient Daily Trading Volume — Less than 20,000 USD per day.

Token Symbol: BRG

Contract Address: TJvqNiWUN2v2NBG12UhfV7WSvReJkRP3VC

Additionally, the project party behind the launch of JustSwap can actively contact us to provide information in order to enter the whitelist. Required information includes but is not limited to: an official website, contact address, social media, white paper, team information, project introduction, Github link, etc.

Email: project@justswap.org

Official JustSwap Team

Oct 8th, 2020

